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October 11, 2022

3 Negotiation Myths Still Harming Women’s Careers

We’re in an unprecedented moment for employee negotiations. The pandemic accelerated the transformation of work practices, and we’re living through a historic labor migration and uncertain economic times in which organizations are struggling to attract and retain talent. As more people start negotiating, if women and men are confined to outdated gender expectations, we could come out of this in an even more inequitable place.

I teamed up with Hannah Riley Bowles, who co-directs the Center for Public Leadership and Women and Public Policy Program at the Harvard Kennedy School to dispel three myths that are hampering women’s potential to seize opportunities and overcome barriers in our careers. As organizations redefine the future of work, it’s time for leaders to make their employee negotiations more equitable. Our research was published this past week in the Harvard Business Review. You can read the full article here.



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