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December 14, 2021

Book + Wine Pairings for Your Holidays

Last year we created “Book + Wine Pairings for Your Holidays” that rapidly became one of our most popular posts EVER.  Our email list has more than doubled since then, so we’re sending out an updated version, with new book and drink pairings for your holiday.  Enjoy!

I don’t know about you, but December evenings are some of my favorite. In my mind, I spend them drinking wine by the fireplace while reading a great book under a cozy blanket and listening to soft Christmas music. (The reality is a bit different, but a girl can dream!). Here are some of our favorite books from 2021:

If you’re ready to take over the world: Machiavelli for Women by Stacey Vanek Smith.  I’ve been listening to Stacey on NPR, Planet Money and The Indicator for years, so was delighted to see her take on women in the workplace.  I recommend paying extra attention to the story of Nicole and Martin in Chapter 4.  It blew my mind.  In an impressive twist, Stacey pairs her book with wine from Machiavelli’s actual vineyard (so cool!). 

If you want that good motivation: Ladies Get Paid by Claire Wasserman.  Claire has spent the past 5 years building a community of over 100,000 women who support each other in their journeys.  Claire’s book is a refreshing take on what she’s learned in the process.  I’m not that into sports, but it made me feel like Coach just gave the world’s best pep talk and now it’s time to go storm the field…. Which is probably why she recommends it with coffee.  A lot of coffee.

Note: her appendix on how to affect policy change is KILLER.  I’ve literally never seen anything as thorough. 

If you’re ready to become a Negotiator Extraordinaire: Negotiate Without Fear, by Dr. Victoria Medvec.  Full disclosure, Vicki is the person who introduced me to the idea of negotiating in the first place, and I have been waiting YEARS for her to write a book.  It does not disappoint, particularly her “train” metaphor for negotiating: engine = employer’s business needs; next car = your responsibilities that address those needs; next car = why you are uniquely qualified to deliver; caboose = your compensation (see page 172 – she’s much more eloquent than I am!).  Mind blown.  Dr. Medvec recommends her book with coffee AND wine!

Happy holidays everyone!



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